holography and telecommunications
In the areas of teleinteractions and instruction, remote conferencing and distance education science and equipment featuring 2D screen pictures will evolve into three-dimensional, responsive holopresence systems. Holotech technology is, even now, being applied to "HoloCells" (holographic cell phones that record and play three-dimensional, rapid-response pictures of the communicating parties that may be viewed from different angles). For more holotechnology information, you can also check out Holographic Art Editions and Collaborations .
Holographic applied science can also be used for navigation. For aircraft direction, holographic systems show maps, navigational graphics, and targeting guidance. Air traffic control in three dimensions is a potential future application. With increased computing power and high applied science in automobiles, holotechnology-assisted directional assistance may be commonly used for land travel as well. Even now, prototypes are under formation for car dashboards that incorporate holographic displays. Link Virtual Network provides more material about this. Sub-page Holographic Search Engine covers more information. and the site HoloSearch.com may be sent to: